Monday, 31 December 2012

A personal thank you

It was never my intention to mix my creative work with my personal life on this blog but I just want to put it out there in the universe that I'm grateful for a cancer free year that it has been lovely to get back on my feet again after years of fighting a long hard battle against cancer - not once, but twice. Thank you universe for giving me health and giving me time - the two most important things in life.

Now to make me feel better about including that here on my creative blog I thought I'd share with you what I've been up to this afternoon. I've made a card for a friend who will be celebrating her 50th birthday next month. I hope she likes it.

1 comment:

  1. Pfffft. I tried not doing sharing the personal stuff, couldn't do it and now every friday-ish there is a hugely personal post that has been massively beneficial to my state of mind. As you'll see by my most recent post ;) Post what you like I say, it's YOUR blog. Especially brilliant posts like this - huge congratulations :-)
