Saturday, 19 January 2013

Lifebook 2013 - Week 1

Been catching up a little on Lifebook in the last week as well as trying to get some reading done too. Lifebook in the first week was all about anticipating the year ahead, setting some mild goals and acknowledging our blessings that will help us to achieve these goals. Our mission should we have chosen to accept it, was to picture ourselves on a journey using any mode of transport we liked (mine had to be fairy wings - what else?) I chose to do my painting in the style of Lisa Sheldrake an artist I really admire for her simple but effective style. Here's my effort ...


  1. I don't know who Lisa Sheldrake is (I will go google her in a mo) but I love your journey. That fairy is brilliant - her expression at the beginning of the journey is wonderful :) I can relate to all your goals too!

  2. That's so pretty and of course you should have fairy wings!
